Joan Fontcuberta: AD LITTERAM. Exhibition in Málaga (Spain)
From 23 June until 29 July 2016. JOAN FONTCUBERTA: AD LITTERAM Exhibition and debates Curated by Nathalie Parienté The International Univerity of Andalucia (UNIA) is pleased to announce an exhibition devoted to the Catalan artist Joan Fontcuberta (Barcelona, 1955), one of the main figures in the domain of contemporary photography, who has recently received […]
Joan Fontcuberta, Deletrix
Exhibition extended until Saturday, December 15th 2012 « There is no document of culture that is not at the same time a document of barbarism. And just as such a document is not free of barbarism, barbarism taints also the manner in which it was transmitted from one owner to another » Walter Benjamin, Theses on […]